Workshop with Italian Stakeholders
HyCARE participates to the event organized by BEST4Hy project
On 9th February, the BEST4Hy project has organized its first project’s workshop on HYDROGEN STORIES AND INNOVATION dedicated to the Italian stakeholders (STORIE DI IDROGENO E INNOVAZIONE: il progetto BEST4Hy condivide buone pratiche e opportunità delle tecnologie a idrogeno per le PMI).
The workshop aimed to discuss innovation and sustainability of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies, sharing best practices and virtuous stories.
The HyCARE project have been invited to participate and contribute with the experiences, challenges and best practices developed during the three years of project. The project coordinator Prof. Marcello Baricco (University of Turin) shared the HyCARE project progresses on its innovative hydrogen storage system for renewable energy.
Cristina Maggi, as representative of the Italian hydrogen and fuel cells association (H2IT), gave an overview of the European and Italian hydrogen strategy, as well as the opportunities for hydrogen SMEs.
The workshop closed with a roundtable discussion on the needs, issues and opportunities for companies to use hydrogen production and storage technologies.