Dematteis presented her latest work on HyCARE at HydEM 2022


HyCARE’s researcher Erika Michela Dematteis presented at HydEM 2022 International Symposium her last work on “Mn-substituted TiFe alloys for large scale hydrogen storage application: an in-situ neutron diffraction study”. The presented results anticipates a publication that will be released soon on the neutron diffraction studies performed at neutron large scale facilities ILL and ISIS, to define the structural evolution of phases during the hydrogenation of the selected material for the HYCARE hydrogen storage system.

Hydrides as Energy Materials – HydEM 2022 is a point of reference for scientists of energy materials science, and the focus is on new hydrogen-containing materials for fuel cells, batteries, hydrogen storage, and conversion of CO2 into fuel.

For more information on HydEM2022 Symposium, click this link.


Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: promising technologies for the future

Dr. Paola Rizzi (University of Turin) presented HyCARE during the AICARR Congress hold at the Politecnico di Bari focused on hydrogen and fuel cell technology.

Paola presented a comprehensive description of the strategies that can be used to store hydrogen, from the most widespread to the advanced solutions, now proposed as prototypes. The presentation included the description of the HyCare system with the strategies adopted for the design of the integrated system. 

Download the programme here.

HyCARE PhD student Jussara Barale presented her work at EHEC2022 in Madrid

Jussara Barale, PhD student at the University of Turin, presented her research work on the HyCARE prototype during the 2022 edition of the European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC2022) in Madrid. Barale’s presentation titled “Hydrogen – heat storage system based on metal hydride and phase change material”.

She showed the optimal working conditions for Phase Changing Materials (PCM) to properly manage Metal Hydrides (MH) in hydrogen absorption and desorption. The results from her experimental work provide insights on the best heat management strategy for promoting PCM contribution on H2 flow and TVP flow in hydrogen storage systems based on MH.

For more information on the European Hydrogen Energy Conference, click this link.

HyCARE at the World Hydrogen Leader event in Barcelona

Last 9th-10th of May, Jose Bellosta von Colbe from Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon presented HyCARE in the World Hydrogen Decarbonising the Gas Grids Conference, organised in the framework of the World Hydrogen Leaders events.

A good opportunity to show the HyCARE project and its final results: industries and professionals have been updated with the innovation of the HyCARE storage systems and its prototype already built and tested.

A big thanks to the moderator, Manuel Coxe, Secretary General, MARCOGAZ and to the other panelists who shared their case studies: David Watson, from Cadent Gas Limited, Lisa Ruf, from Element Energy and Patrick Milin, from ENGIE.

For more information on the World Hydrogen Leaders Conference, click this link.

Laboratory and industrial production of TiFe intermetallics for large-scale stationary hydrogen storage

HyCARE’s researcher F.Cuevas hold a webinar in the Master “Energías y Combustibles para el Futuro” of the Autonoma University of Madrid (Spain) on the research activities performed in the framework of HyCARE. Twelve students were actively engaged in the presentation. The webinar presented the activities and results including alloy design, tuning to thermodynamic operational conditions, activation and kinetic issues, as well as cycling stability, resistance to impurities and limited use of raw critical materials.

Download the pdf to know more about the content of the presentation!

(S)TEAM today, make changes for tomorrow

HyCARE’s researchers E. M. Dematteis and J. Barale organized the Smart Labs as part of the event “(S)TEAM today, make changes for tomorrow”. Our researchers presented the HyCARE project and explained to young students why we should care about a renewable hydrogen future. They demonstrated how to produce hydrogen from small PV panels and to use the hydrogen produced as fuel for electric vehicles. Our young audience appeared very interested in hydrogen technology. Let’s hope to have inspired the next generation of hydrogen visionaries!

Do you want to know more about the experiment organized by our researchers? Download the booklet!

Green hydrogen: a valuable asset for the ecological transition

The Turin magazine “Nuovo Consumo” reports the interviews to our coordination Marcello Baricco on the advantages of green hydrogen. Baricco defines green hydrogen as an energy vector that can support the decarbonization of industrial processes and mobility, and the distribution of renewable energy with no GHG emission.

Baricco presents the current drivers and barriers for the uptake of green hydrogen in Europe and presents the HyCARE system as a valuable technology for medium-size hydrogen storage.

Here the full article here (Italian only)

LCA Analysis presented at 4th EERA workshop on “Sustainability Assessment of materials and technologies for a clean energy transition”

Energy Materials for Innovation – EM4I

4th EERA workshop & 1st AMPEA-E3S joint workshop on “Sustainability Assessment of materials and technologies for a clean energy transition

Since the summer of 2021, the EERA network is hosting a workshop series on “Energy Materials for Innovation (EM4I)”. The series, consisting in six workshops, covers the integral stages of materials research, from discovery to scale-up productions, device development, industrial integration and sustainability, as well as cross-cutting technologies supporting these actions.

The fourth of the series focuses on “Sustainability assessment of materials and technologies for a clean energy transition”. The workshop, with the participation of AMPEA-E3S researchers, aimed to develop mutual understanding of societal needs and technological advances and to foster new collaborations necessary for achieving the Clean Energy Transition.

The contribution presented by HyCARE’s researcher Mattia Costamagna at the workshop focused on case studies in which the Life Cycle Assessment methodology was used to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with the use of Metal Hydride technology. In fact, this technology represents an interesting and promising solution that can be used for the compression and storage of hydrogen.

Workshop with Italian Stakeholders

HyCARE participates to the event organized by BEST4Hy project

On 9th February, the BEST4Hy project has organized its first project’s workshop on HYDROGEN STORIES AND INNOVATION dedicated to the Italian stakeholders (STORIE DI IDROGENO E INNOVAZIONE: il progetto BEST4Hy condivide buone pratiche e opportunità delle tecnologie a idrogeno per le PMI).

The workshop aimed to discuss innovation and sustainability of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies, sharing best practices and virtuous stories.

The HyCARE project have been invited to participate and contribute with the experiences, challenges and best practices developed during the three years of project. The project coordinator Prof. Marcello Baricco (University of Turin) shared the HyCARE project progresses on its innovative hydrogen storage system for renewable energy.

Cristina Maggi, as representative of the Italian hydrogen and fuel cells association (H2IT), gave an overview of the European and Italian hydrogen strategy, as well as the opportunities for hydrogen SMEs.

The workshop closed with a roundtable discussion on the needs, issues and opportunities for companies to use hydrogen production and storage technologies.