HyCARE Final Video released!

During the exhibition show in Paris, on 21 April 2023, the HyCARE Communication Team interviewed the Coordinator, the Partners and the invited speakers.

After the introduction and comment of the Project Coordinator, the opinion on the results achieved within the project was asked to CNRS, IFE, UNITO, FBK, Hereon and EnviPark – the academic bodies and research centers involved in HyCARE.

Then GKN, TecnoDelta, Stuehff and ENGIE reported their point of view on the involvement of enterprises in the EU projects, such as HyCARE

Finally, David Colomar – Project Coordinator of the COSMHYC Project, and Olivier Joubert – Director of the French Federation of Hydrogen Energy FRH2, were asked to express their idea on the synergies among projects and their importance to promote innovative results.

Let’s have a look at the video and check what they said!

HyCARE mentioned in three journals!

HyCARE stimulates the curiosity of the public with regards to the storage of hydrogen, in particul through the metal hydrides.

On Monday 23 May 2023, not one.. but three articles were published with regards to our Project!

“Idrogeno per stoccare energia rinnovabile: il progetto europeo HyCARE” is the title of the article published by the HUB Green&Blue on the Italian newspapers that are part of this editorial project: La Repubblica, La Stampa and Secolo XIX.

The article starts with the interview of Marcello Baricco, Professor at the University of Turin and Coordinator of the project HyCARE, who explains the project, the technology and the importance of the hydrogen storage.

Green&Blue is a multi-channel content system dedicated to sustainability and the environment. An editorial project with a digital focus, available on various platforms, accessible on all GEDI Group newspapers. Green and blue are the colors of the environment that meets science and the economy, which unite the young generations concerned about the future of the planet with companies that carry out research and propose solutions.

Read the article on La Repubblica

The HyCARE researcher Erika Michela Dematteis wins the JCI TOYP Italy 2023 Award in the Research field!

The TOYP award by JCI (Junior Chamber International) is a program that aims to promote and recognize worldwide young people between the ages of 18 and 40 who have contributed with their activities to the economic, cultural and individual progress of our times, so that they can serve as an example for their peers. Conceived in 1931 by Dorward Howes, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce, it was officially adopted by the Junior Chamber International in the 1980s. Since then, the best young people from all over the world have been awarded every year.

The 31st national edition of the Toyp Award (The Outstanding young person) was held on Saturday 6 May, hosted by Confcommercio Busto Arsizio and Medio Olona, in collaboration with the Varese provincial section of JCI and the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Confcommercio, as well as the historic synergy with the Lions Club Busto Arsizio Host and the patronage of the Municipality of Busto Arsizio.

Erika Michela Dematteis, researcher at the Chemistry Department of UniTo, won the TOYP Italia 2023 Prize in Research.

In 2019 Erika Michela Dematteis had a 1-year post-doctoral fellowship in Paris where she was involved in the HyCARE project, supported by Horizon 2020 of the European Union. During the project, Erika optimized and selected a suitable material for the development of an integrated production and storage plant of renewable hydrogen on a large scale. For the studies carried out on the uses of hydrogen in the energy sector, for the dedication and passion dedicated to its research, thus translating into action the JCI guideline according to which “the brotherhood of men transcends the sovereignty of nations”.

Congratulations Erika!

More information at the following links:

UNITO News: http://www.unitonews.it/index.php/it/news_detail/la-ricercatrice-erika-michela-dematteis-vince-il-premio-toyp-italia-2023-nella-ricerca

Varese News: https://www.varesenews.it/2023/05/premiati-a-busto-i-piu-promettenti-talenti-under-40/1607705/

Rete 55: https://www.rete55.it/notizie/sociale/busto-a-4-nuovi-giovani-talenti-il-premio-toyp-2023/

HyCARE mentioned in the newsletter of the RE-UNITA project

The UNITA Universitas Montium is an alliance of six universities from five countries (France, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Spain). It envisages promoting the socio economic development of their rural and cross-border mountain areas.

The University of Turin participates in the H2020 Project “Research for UNITA (RE-UNITA)“, which will focus on the aim of the alliance, so it becomes a major player in the creation of the new European Research Area. One of the core research subjects of the project is Renewable energies.

In the newsletter No. 11 of the Re-UNITA, the HyCARE project is mentioned.

New HyCARE scientific paper just released!

HyCARE’s researchers of the University Of Turin  (Italy), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), the Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH (Germany), together with the Institute for Energy Technology (Norway) published the results of the analysis of neutron diffraction data.


Hydrogen is an efficient energy carrier that can be produced from renewable sources, enabling the transition towards CO2-free energy. Hydrogen can be stored for a long period in the solid-state, with suitable alloys. Ti-rich TiFe0.90 compound exhibits a mild activation process for the first hydrogenation, and Ti(Fe,Mn)0.90 substituted alloys can lead to the fine tuning of equilibrium pressure as a function of the final application. In this study, the crystal structure of TiFe(0.90-x)Mnx alloys (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.10) and their deuterides has been determined by in-situ neutron diffraction, while recording Pressure-Composition Isotherms at room temperature. The investigation aims at analysing the influence of Mn for Fe substitution in Ti-rich Ti(Fe,Mn)0.90 alloys on structural properties during reversible deuterium loading, which is still unsolved and seldom explored. After activation, samples have been transferred into custom-made stainless-steel and aluminium alloy cells used for in-situ neutron diffraction experiments during deuterium loading at ILL and ISIS neutron facilities, respectively. The study enables remarkable understanding on hydrogen storage, basic structural knowledge, and support to the industrial application of TiFe-type alloys for integrated hydrogen tank in energy storage systems by determining the volume expansion during deuteration. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that different contents of Mn do not significantly change the volumetric expansion during phase transitions, affecting only the deuterium content for the γ phase and the cell evolution for the β phase. The study confirms that the deuterated structures of the γ phase upon absorption, β and α phase upon desorption, correspond to S.G. Cmmm, P2221 and Pm-3m, respectively.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.06.295

The article is available in Open access at this link.

Hydrogen Week 2022: two HyCARE researchers awarded!

Every year, the international and non-profit association Hydrogen Europe Research organises a competition that aims at rewarding and give visibility to the work of young researchers, who have personally contributed to a hydrogen-related project.

The initiative wishes to encourage the involvement of students and researchers in the Clean Hydrogen Partnership projects, and attract young talents to work in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells.

This year, the Award Cerimony took place in Brussels during the European Hydrogen Week, the biggest annual event dedicated to hydrogen.

Erika Michela Dematteis, researcher at the University of Turin (Italy) won the title of Best Researcher of the Year.

Michele Bolognese, researcher at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy) received the Young Scientist Award 2022.


Il Sole 24 ORE writes about HyCARE

“Idrogeno verde, lo stoccaggio trova nuove vie sostenibili” is the title of the article that was published well-known Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 ORE.

Following a brief introduction on the hydrogen characteristics and potential, the article draws the attention on the metal hybrid which can solve the on the issues that are often encountered through the storage process.

In this occasion, the articles indicates the project HyCARE and outlines the studies that are being done on the metal hybrid and the sustainable storage solutions explored by the project.

Read the article here: https://www.ilsole24ore.com

HyCARE on Tech4Future

A new article is now in the Tech4Future online Italian magazine: “Stoccaggio idrogeno: le tecnologie per renderlo più sostenibile (Hydrogen storage: technologies to make it more sustainable)”.

The hydrogen storage is a process which is capturing attention due to the crucial role that it might have to develop this energy carrier, and contribute to solving fundamental questions and boosting the sustainability of the entire hydrogen system.

In the article, the research group from Università degli Studi di Torino explains the main project objectives and results, focusing on the metal hydrides potentials.

Read the article online, at this link.

New HyCARE scientific paper published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

HyCARE’s researchers Jussara Barale of the Univerity of Turin (Italy) published the results on the alloy TiFe0.85Mn0.05 and


Moving from basic research to the implementation of hydrogen storage system based on metal hydride, the industrial production of the active material is fundamental. The alloy TiFe0.85Mn0.05 was selected as H2-carrier for a storage plant of about 50 kg of H2. In this work, a batch of 5 kg of TiFe0.85Mn0.05 alloy was synthesized at industrial level and characterized to determine the structure and phase abundance. The H2 sorption properties were investigated, performing studies on long-term cycling study and resistance to poisoning. The alloy absorbs and desorbs hydrogen between 25 bar and 1 bar at 55 °C, storing 1.0H2 wt.%, displaying fast kinetic, good resistance to gas impurities, and storage stability over 250 cycles. The industrial production promotes the formation of a passive layer and a high amount of secondary phases, observing differences in the H2 sorption behaviour compared to samples prepared at laboratory scale. This work highlights how hydrogen sorption properties of metal hydrides are strictly related to the synthesis method.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.06.295

The article is available in Open access at this link.