Hereon Summer Simulation Seminar

The Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in cooperation with the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg organizes a two-part Seminar on Simulation. The webinar will be held online between May and June 2021:

  • Part 1: Atomistic Simulations and Thermodynamic Modelling May 7th, 2021
  • Part 2: Application-Oriented Simulations June 4th, 202

The webinar is free and it will be hosted on Zoom.

To access the seminar, please visit this page.

Webinar Master Course Autonoma University Madrid

Fermin Cuevas (CNRS) hold a webinar on the HyCARE research activity related to TiFe intermetallics for large-scale stationary hydrogen storage. The webinar involved 15 students of the Master de Energías y Combustibles para el Futuro, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

The webinar presented the HyCARE project and described the tailoring and optimization of the allow composition for hydrogen storage performed by CNRS. It explained the R&D activities which inlude alloy design, tuning to thermodynamic operational conditions, activation and kinetic issues, as well as cycling stability, resistance to impurities and limited use of raw critical materials.

For more information, please click on this link.

Stocker l’hydrogène dans des matériauz: du laboratoire à l’application

Fermin Cuevas, Research Director of CNRS, has presented the HyCARE project in the launch event of the French Research network on hydrogen research. Cuevas’ presentation focused on the HyCARE’s journey: from laboratory research on the properties of alloys, through characterization and production of metal hydrides and PCM in collaboration with European laboratories and SMEs, to final application for hydrogen storage by ENGIE in Paris.

For more information, please go to the Fédération de Recherche “hydrogène” du CNRS

CNRS Hydrogen Research Federation: Launch Event

Our partner CNRS is glad to launch the French Hydrogen Research Federation. The launch event will take place online on 9th of March 2021, from 9 am to 12 am.

The FRH2 federation brings together more than 270 scientists who are experts in the hydrogen field and who work in cutting-edge CNRS laboratories with their academic and industrial partners. It positions the CNRS as an essential link in R&D to promote innovative multidisciplinary projects, the main objectives of which are to remove scientific barriers and propose technological breakthroughs. 

The inaugural event of FRH2 is an opportunity to present to all the players in the sector, the teams and the research activities carried out in the large “energy” landscape of the CNRS.

For more information and information, please click on this link.

HyCARE’s 5th Project Meeting Online

On Thursday 21, January 2021, the HyCARE’s Project Meeting took place online. It has been an important meeting to define the next steps for starting the construction of the HyCARE’s full prototype. Although the COVID-pandemic has slowed down some activities, the project is proceeding well thanks to the great management of UniTo and the excellent collaboration among partners.

2021 will be a key year for HyCARE. Keep following us!


SHARPER stands for “SHAring Researchers’ Passions for Evidences and Resilience” . SHARPER is one of the 7 projects financed by the European Commission for organizing in Italy the Night of the Researchers in 2020.

SHARPER is taking place on the 27th of Novembre 2020 in the cities of Ancona, Cagliari, Camerino, Catania, L’Aquila, Macerata, Nuoro, Palermo, Pavia, Perugia, Terni, Torino e Trieste to share with citizens the passion, the challenges and the joy of being a researcher in Europe .

HyCARE is participating to the edition in Torino with three activities (Italian only):

  1. Finestre sulla Ricerca with the HyCARE’s video;
  2. Live Chat, on Friday, November 27 from 16.30 to 17.30;
  3. Good Morning Torino, with a programe dedicated to students at high-schools. The “Hydrogen Rally” will engage students in an experiment to understand how hydrogen can be produced and stored.

For more information, please write to the HyCARE’s team at

Premio GiovedìScienza – 9° Edizione

#HyCARE, #Idrogeno ed #EnergiaPulita, ne parla Erika Dematteis Mercoledì 23 settembre alla finale del Premio Giovedi Scienza in diretta streaming sul canale YouTube Centro Scienza (

Su facebook il video di presentazione di Erika:

"Sono fortemente convinta che grazie agli sforzi della ricerca, grazie a tutti noi, si riuscirà a trovare un oceano di…

Pubblicato da GiovedìScienza su Domenica 13 settembre 2020

HyCARE at the First Materials Poster Competition on Twitter

Our researcher Erika Dematteis will partecipate at the Materials Poster Competition, presenting the HyCARE project.

HyCARE dissemination activities never stop! You can have a look on our Tweeted Poster, share, like and leave us a comment or question, we will be pleased to discuss with you online!

HyCARE Project Meeting #4

The HyCARE consortium met online today (3rd of July 2020) to discuss about the state-of-the-art in the development of the HyCARE’s system. Although the COVID-19 has slowed down the activities, the Consortium has made very good progress in the investigation of the expansion behavior of the hydride pellets and in the optimization of the heat exchange and planning of the control strategy.

Find out more in our second newsletter that will be out soon!

Subscribe here:

HyCARE goes to University Autonoma de Madrid

Our researcher Fermìn Cuevas from the Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux Paris (CNRS) hold a webinar to the Master Students of the University Autonoma de Madrid concerning his research activities in the the HyCARE project.

The webinar focuses on the recent paper “Development of TiFe intermetallics for large-scale stationary hydrogen storage in the framework of the European project HyCARE”, by F. Cuevas, E.-M. Dematteis, M. Latroche.